15445 Project 1 Buffer Pool Manager Task 1 先看官网给出的描述: 在该项目的第一部分中,您将构建一个通用哈希表,使用无序的桶来存储唯一的键/值对。您的哈希表必须支持插入/删除键/值条目的能力,而无需指定表的最大大小。您的表需要根据需要逐步增长,但您不需要将其缩小。也就是说,您不需要实现缩小或压缩哈希表的支持。您还需要支持检查哈希表中是否存在一个键,并返回其相应的值。 我们鼓励您首 2023-07-09 database database 15445
cs188 lecture8 Reinforcement Learning Basic idea: Receive feedback in the form of rewards Agent's utility is defined by the reward function Must (learn to) act so as to maximize expected rewards All learni 2023-01-21 网课笔记 CS188 CS188
cs188 lecture7 The Bellman Equations How to be optimal? Step 1: Take correct first action Step 2: Keep being optimal Definition of "optimal utility" via expectimax recurrence gives a simple one-step looka 2023-01-21 网课笔记 CS188 CS188
cs188 lecture6 Markov Decision Process An MDP is defined by: A set of states \(s \in S\) A set of actions \(a \in A\) A transition function \(T(s,a,s')\) Probability that \(a\) from \(s\) leads to \(s 2023-01-17 网课笔记 CS188 CS188
cs188 lecture5 Expectimax Search Why wouldn’t we know what the result of an action will be? Explicit randomness: rolling dice Unpredictable opponents: the ghosts respond randomly Actions can fail: when movin 2023-01-15 网课笔记 CS188 CS188
cs188 lecture4 Deterministic Games Many possible formalizations, one is: States: S (start at \(s_0\)) Players: P={1,2,...,N} (usually take turns) Actions: A (may depend on player / state) Transition Function: 2023-01-15 网课笔记 CS188 CS188
cs188 lecture3 Abstract Informed Search: Heuristics Greedy Search A* Search Graph Search General Tree Search lec3-1 We call it "general" because we can change the strategy depending on the search 2023-01-15 网课笔记 CS188 CS188
CS188 lecture2 Today, we focus on searching methods, especially uninformed search methods. Abstraction Agents that Plan Ahead Search Problems Uninformed Search Methods(dfs, bfs, uniform-cost search) Planni 2023-01-15 网课笔记 CS188 CS188
Ubuntu上ssh的配置方法 升级apt-get 12$ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get upgrade 安装ssh服务器,客户端 12$ sudo apt install openssh-server $ sudo apt install openssh-client 修改sudoers文件权限 1$ sudo chmod 770 /etc/sudoers 2022-12-29 misc misc